2025 Meeting Updates

  • Meetings are now in the Sturm Auditorium, in the Freyer – Newman Center (FNC)
  • All entry and exit for after hours plant society meetings will now go through the Freyer – Newman Center main entrance. The Pinon Gate will be closed no matter the location of your meeting.
  • After entering through the main gate, the Freyer-Newman Center front doors will be unlocked from 7:10PM to 7:50PM
  • If you arrive before/after the doors are unlocked, you can have someone from the inside let you in

CMS meetings are open to the public. They begin at 7 pm with a half hour in which members may bring in mushrooms to “show and tell,” or ones they want identified by CMS members who are experts. The evening’s program begins between 7:15 and 7:30, usually featuring an illustrated talk by a mycologist or a recognized authority in another field. The meeting ends at approximately 9pm.

Upcoming Meetings

Michael Beug - Medicinal/Culinary Mushrooms: Fantastic Fungi to Save Body, Mind, Spirit, and the Planet.

Michael Beug - Medicinal/Culinary Mushrooms: Fantastic Fungi to Save Body, Mind, Spirit, and the Planet.

April 14, 2025    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Dr. Beug taught chemistry, mycology, and organic farming at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, for 32 years. They have discovered more than 50 [...]
Jess Leoffler - Diversity of the Fungal Associates of two Pyroloids: Pyrola Asarifolia and Chimaphila Umbellata

Jess Leoffler - Diversity of the Fungal Associates of two Pyroloids: Pyrola Asarifolia and Chimaphila Umbellata

May 12, 2025    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Jess Leoffler: The Diversity of the Fungal Associates of two Pyroloids: Pyrola asarifolia and Chimaphila umbellata Speaker Bio: Jess Leoffler Meeting Schedule: 7:00 - 7:30 [...]
Tradd Cotter - Mushrooms, Molds, and Mycorrhizae: The Amazing Kingdom of Fungi

Tradd Cotter - Mushrooms, Molds, and Mycorrhizae: The Amazing Kingdom of Fungi

June 9, 2025    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Tradd Cotter is a distinguished microbiologist and professional mycologist with over three decades of experience in the field. Speaker Bio: Tradd Cotter In 1996, Tradd [...]
Madeline DeDe-Panken - The History of Mycophillia in America

Madeline DeDe-Panken - The History of Mycophillia in America

July 7, 2025    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Madeline DeDe-Panken is a dedicated historian and mycologist whose work bridges the gap between the past and the fascinating world of fungi. Speaker Bio: Madeline [...]

Recent Meeting Recordings