2025 Meeting Updates
- Meetings are now in the Sturm Auditorium, in the Freyer – Newman Center (FNC)
- All entry and exit for after hours plant society meetings will now go through the Freyer – Newman Center main entrance. The Pinon Gate will be closed no matter the location of your meeting.
- After entering through the main gate, the Freyer-Newman Center front doors will be unlocked from 7:10PM to 7:50PM
- If you arrive before/after the doors are unlocked, you can have someone from the inside let you in
CMS meetings are open to the public. They begin at 7 pm with a half hour in which members may bring in mushrooms to “show and tell,” or ones they want identified by CMS members who are experts. The evening’s program begins between 7:15 and 7:30, usually featuring an illustrated talk by a mycologist or a recognized authority in another field. The meeting ends at approximately 9pm.
Upcoming Meetings

Michael Beug - Medicinal/Culinary Mushrooms: Fantastic Fungi to Save Body, Mind, Spirit, and the Planet.
Dr. Beug taught chemistry, mycology, and organic farming at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, for 32 years. They have discovered more than 50 [...]

Jess Leoffler - Diversity of the Fungal Associates of two Pyroloids: Pyrola Asarifolia and Chimaphila Umbellata
Jess Leoffler: The Diversity of the Fungal Associates of two Pyroloids: Pyrola asarifolia and Chimaphila umbellata Speaker Bio: Jess Leoffler Meeting Schedule: 7:00 - 7:30 [...]

Tradd Cotter - Mushrooms, Molds, and Mycorrhizae: The Amazing Kingdom of Fungi
Tradd Cotter is a distinguished microbiologist and professional mycologist with over three decades of experience in the field. Speaker Bio: Tradd Cotter In 1996, Tradd [...]

Madeline DeDe-Panken - The History of Mycophillia in America
Madeline DeDe-Panken is a dedicated historian and mycologist whose work bridges the gap between the past and the fascinating world of fungi. Speaker Bio: Madeline [...]
Recent Meeting Recordings

Tavis Lynch - Mushroom Cultivation

Langdon Cook - Tales from the Mushroom Trail

Alisha Quandt: Insect associated fungi, inside and out, past and present

Amy Honan: The state of fungi in Colorado

Hamilton Pevec: Mechanisms and how to be an informed consumer

Ed Lubow: Interesting Mushrooms of the Rocky Mountains