2023/2024 Meeting Updates
- Meetings are now in the Sturm Auditorium, in the Freyer – Newman Center (FNC)
- All entry and exit for after hours plant society meetings will now go through the Freyer – Newman Center main entrance. The Pinon Gate will be closed no matter the location of your meeting.
- After entering through the main gate, the Freyer-Newman Center front doors will be unlocked from 7:10PM to 7:50PM
- If you arrive before/after the doors are unlocked, you can have someone from the inside let you in
CMS meetings are open to the public. They begin at 7 pm with a half hour in which members may bring in mushrooms to “show and tell,” or ones they want identified by CMS members who are experts. The evening’s program begins between 7:15 and 7:30, usually featuring an illustrated talk by a mycologist or a recognized authority in another field. The meeting ends at approximately 9pm.

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Recent Meeting Recordings

Tavis Lynch - Mushroom Cultivation

Langdon Cook - Tales from the Mushroom Trail

Alisha Quandt: Insect associated fungi, inside and out, past and present

Amy Honan: The state of fungi in Colorado

Hamilton Pevec: Mechanisms and how to be an informed consumer

Ed Lubow: Interesting Mushrooms of the Rocky Mountains