Will be held @ the H-Mart International Supermarket, Sat. March 30 @ 9:30 AM. Located @ 2751 S Parker Rd Aurora, CO 80014. Lead by James Wieser & hosted by new member Jacqueline Bary. We will get a guided tour of the produce section by produce manager Mr. Ko. The location generally has fresh organic maitake, white & brown beech, wood ear, shiitake, enoki, king oyster, regular oyster & of course cremini/Portobello’s. I will probably also have namekos & pioppinos as well, if I can find them. Whole food generally carries them but it can be hit or miss. I suggest to take advantage of gathering information on the exotic fruits and vegetables as well while we are there. I always see interesting looking edibles that I have no idea of what they are & how one would prep/eat said produce.



We will then reconvene @ Jacqueline’s home (participants will be given the location @ the event) to learn how to process, cook & then eat said mushrooms (and produce.) Pizza dough, sauce & toppings will be available to make pizza. Mixed mushroom spaghetti will also be served. If anyone would like to bring salad/fruit, that would be appreciated but unnecessary. One could also pick up produce @ the store location and make something @ the event fresh. There will be a number of stations available for people to get their “chef” on. Please contact the foray leader if you would like to bring something so we can coordinate/not be redundant.


We will also learn how to process the inedible stem butts of the mushrooms. 0 waste. This will allow you to “capture” store bought mushrooms. This is accomplished by training/adapting them to eat general wood chips rather than being host specific to a particular type of wood/tree. We will also adapt them to be able to compete with the new competitors they will face in their new environment- ones urban yard/garden. Basically, we will learn how to communicate with mushrooms/impart information to them in terms that they can understand & act upon.


James Wieser is a self-educated Experimental and Theoretical Mycologist & Integrated Natural Systems Engineer. Publishes Carbon Negative Agriculture.com, Carbon Negative Forestry.com, the 2nd Agricultural Revolution.com & the 2nd Enlightenment.com. Director of the Center for Experimental and Theoretical Integrated Mycology, Denver (CETIM-Denver). He is a leading edge researcher in the introduction of mushrooms into our suburban habitat, working with 95 species in 2019.