President’s Letter: March 2022
How did you get into mushrooms? This simple question is often a topic of conversation whenever mushroom people gather. For me, this question also comes

President’s Letter: March 2021
Hello fellow CMS members, As your new president for the 2021 year, I welcome you to a new season with the Colorado Mycological Society. After

President’s Letter: October 2020
Well another year is winding down. October brings autumnal weather and is usually the cut off point for collecting fungi. In many ways, seeing the

President’s Letter: August 2020
Have you been doing your rain dance? If not, get those feet a movin’. It’s been dry, dry, dry, and the mushrooms need some moisture

President’s Letter: July 2020
Hello Lovely CMS Members, Another month in, another month closer to getting past this pandemic. While the social distancing has put a damper on foraying

President’s Letter: June 2020
Greetings Rocky Mountain mushroom lovers! Spring sprung, and now the temperatures are making it feel a lot like summer. Come July, we should expect to see the seasonal monsoons come through the region and moisten the soils, stimulating the fungi to push up their reproductive structures and give us something to hunt for, marvel at, and stimulate our curiosity. We are planning on having forays this summer! We want to respect municipal and state guidelines regarding COVID-19 so it is highly likely that forays will have limited attendance. However, we hope that by providing some access to learning about mushrooms we can relive a lot of the stress, anxiety and cabin fever that is building up in our individual lives. There is at least one foray planned for June, with one or two more likely to happen. Dates and times and how to sign up will be added to the website soon, so please stay tuned for when those events are posted. During the month of June we’re happy to offer two webinars. The first one will be for our regular society meeting on Monday June 8th. The talk for this meeting will be by Jeff Ravage on the topic of bioremediation. He is using fungi to enhance composting of woody debris in Colorado’s forests. One week later, Jon Sommer will provide a webinar on features that help identify fungi in the field. This webinar is aimed for both beginning and more advanced fungal hunters. While the mushroom season progresses, we’re constantly looking for ways to help our members discover the world of mycology. The situation is clearly fluid but we’re making adjustments and are finding ways to provide good opportunities. If you have any suggestions as to what we can do, please feel free to reach out and type in the comments section at the bottom of this post on the website. Otherwise, I hope all is well with you. Yours in fungi, Andy…
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