1085 York St, Denver, CO, 80206
Event Type
Larry has been visiting the Bolivian Amazon since 2005, and his various expeditions have placed some 1500 specimens in the national Herbarium in CotaCota. Larry will present a few dozen examples of the remarkable diversity of polypores, Cordyceps, endobionts, and other jungle life forms with 4, 6, or more legs…
Speaker Bio
Larry Evans, aka The Fungal Boogieman, has taught mycology since you had to explain what that is. He’s authored dozens of articles, notably, “Soil Carbon and You”, and appears frequently in radio and podcast interviews. His YouTube channel Fungal Jungal samples his adventures in Russia, Asia, and North and South America; after 15 years of visiting and nearly 2,000 collections placed in the Bolivia National Herbarium, he wrote a Field Guide to Tropical Amazon Mushrooms, republished this year in Spanish.
In 1991 Larry co-founded the Western Montana Mycological Association and he has been instrumental in organizing festivals and forays around Colorado and the Pacific Northwest since. In 1997 he began operating the Black Dog Cafe, and in 2001 he became the first approved commercial mushroom vendor in Montana.
An American diplomat dubbed him the Indiana Jones of mushrooms after an encounter in a taxi in Khabarovsk when he was there buying nontimber forest products. He spent 5 years furthering remediation agendas in Ecuador and has developed myco-remediation projects with Amazon (CoRenewal) and Garden City Compost. He wrote and produced 2 CDs of mushroom music; Fungal Boogie and Fungal Boogieman, and was featured in his Telluride Mushroom Festival role in Ron Mann’s 2009 come-documentary, Know Your Mushrooms.
Meeting Schedule:
7:00 – 7:30 Socializing, show and tell, and hangout time
7:30 – 9:00 Presentation
Zoom Stream: