August 2017 40th Annual CMS Mushroom Fair: Sunday, August 20 • Denver Botanic Gardens Main Building, Mitchell Hall • Fair is open all day from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AUGUST MEETING: Tuesday, August 22 • Denver Botanic Gardens Main Building, Gates Hall • Doors open at 7:00 p.m. (Fungi ID, Volunteer Sign-Up, Meet & Greet, Book Table, etc.) • 7:30 p.m. Meeting Begins • August Topic: The Seven Deadly Sins Committed by Fungi THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS COMMITTED BY FUNGI Upcoming talk by Dr. Tom Volk August Meeting: Tuesday, August 22, 7:30 in Gates Hall Tom Volk is a Professor of Biology at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse. He teaches courses on mycology, medical mycology, plant-microbe interactions, food and industrial mycology, advanced mycology, organismal biology, and Latin and Greek for scientists. His internet web page, Tom Volk’s Fungi ( has a popular “Fungus of the Month” feature, and an extensive introduction to the Kingdom Fungi. Besides dabbling in mushroom cultivation, Dr. Volk has worked on the general Morchella (morels), Cantharellus (chanterelles), Hydnellum (a toothed fungus), Armillaria (honey mushrooms) and Laetiporus (chicken of the woods, or sulfur shelf) as well as several medical mycology projects, prairie mycorrhizae, mycoprospecting, and fungi involved in coal formation. He has also conducted fungal biodiversity studies in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Alaska, and Israel. Having lectured in 38 states so far, Dr. Volk is a popular speaker at many amateur and professional mycological events throughout North America, including many NAMA and NEMF forays. THE COLORADO MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY INVITES YOU TO ITS 40TH ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF WILD MUSHROOMS! When: Sunday, August 20, 2017 11:00 – 5 pm. Where: Mitchell Hall, Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York St. Denver, CO What: • Local wild mushrooms on display • Bring mushrooms – we’ll identify them • Mushroom books and T-shirts for sale • Educational exhibits and presentations The art and science of fungi will be on display. Mushrooms collected from our Rocky Mountain region will be identified, cataloged and presented in displays for everyone to enjoy and learn. Member crafts all incorporating fungi and ranging from papermaking to photography will be on display. Kids can experience fungi face painting and chalk drawing with member and guest artists. 1 You are Invited… …to help us with the Big Event of the Year – the 40th Annual Mushroom Fair, August 20th We really need your help, and here is what you can do: Collect mushrooms and bring them to Gates Hall at the Denver Botanic Gardens around noon on Saturday, August 19th. Collect on your own or go on a scheduled CMS foray: Friday, August 18th with Ellen Jacobson – 9:00 a.m. (Stegosaurus Lot), or Saturday, August 19th Foray leaders to be determined – 9:30 a.m. (Cheeseman Park at the Pavilion on the east side, between 9th and 11th Streets).Important: • Include your name and where you collected your CMS 2017 FORAY SCHEDULE August 18 (Friday) Ellen Jacobson. Meet at Stegosaurus Parking Lot*** 9:00 a.m. August 19 (Saturday) Foray leaders to be […]

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