by Ellen Jacobson

I would like to form small groups for the study of some of the genera of Colorado fungi. Many species have been poorly studied and documented
and we have a wealth of fungi here, some perhaps new and un-described. I would like to be the administrator of these groups and would provide guidelines and suggestions. These studies would take place primarily in the field and collectors could work alone, in pairs, or in small groups. Three excellent genera to consider working on would be Lacterius, Russula and the Puffballs. Groups and individuals may also choose any other genus that they are particularly interested These study groups will provide not only an excellent opportunity to broaden your mushroom expertise, but also to expand our knowledge of the Colorado species.

If you are interested, please see Ellen Jacobson at the March meeting. (President’s continued from page 1) I plan to lead a couple forays this fall to share my knowledge of fungi and to learn a few species as well. My personal goal has always been to learn at least one new mushroom to species (preferably more than one) per season and to keep a running list of what I know and review those mushrooms each year before the season starts. So far Iʼm up to 70 mushrooms that I know to species! Being involved in the club not only helps to increase your knowledge of fungi and culinary skills but also helps to keep the club active. Without the time, effort, and leadership of all of our volunteers, the club would cease to exist! We currently have a need for someone to lead the T-shirt sales (since the current T-shirt sales volunteer is moving out of state).

If you would like to volunteer, please send me an e-mail to, or talk to me at one of the monthly CMS meetings.

We appreciate all of the effort of our volunteers. I hope to see you at the meetings and forays, and lets pray for rain!