1085 York St, Denver, CO, 80206
Event Type
Dr. Beug taught chemistry, mycology, and organic farming at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, for 32 years. They have discovered more than 50 new mushroom species, with their photographs appearing in over 80 publications.
Speaker Bio: Michael Beug
Dr. Michael Beug is a distinguished figure in the field of mycology. Their research, notably a two-year project from 1973 to 1975 with colleague Steve Herman and 40 Evergreen students, was instrumental in the banning of DDT use in North America, leading to the recovery of top avian predators such as Peregrine Falcons, Bald Eagles, and Pelicans.
Dr. Beug is a member of the North American Mycological Association (NAMA), where they served for ten years as Editor of the journal McIlvainea, Chair of the Toxicology Committee, and member of the Education Committee. They received the 2006 NAMA Award for Contributions to Amateur Mycology. Dr. Beug is also active with the Pacific Northwest Key Council, a group dedicated to writing macroscopic keys for the identification of fungi. In addition to their new book, Mushrooms of Cascadia: An Illustrated Key (Fungi Press, 2021), they coauthored Ascomycete Fungi of North America (University of Texas Press, 2014).
Their expertise and passion for fungi have inspired countless students and enthusiasts, including notable mycologist Paul Stamets, who established the Mike Beug Scholarship in 2017 to honor their mentor. We are honored to welcome Dr. Michael Beug, a true pioneer in the world of fungi.
Meeting Schedule:
7:00 – 7:30 Socializing, show and tell, and hangout time
7:30 – 9:00 Presentation
Zoom Stream: