Join the society and receive access to members only forays, features, and community resources!

Typically, meetings are held on the second Monday night of each month, from March through October, at 7:30 PM. The doors open at 7:00PM for mushroom identification. We meet at the Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York Street. 


CMS meetings provide an informal opportunity to socialize and exchange information with others interested in mycology. With Over 1000 Members in the Denver area, your love of mushrooms can be shared by many!

Each meeting features a lecture with a variety of speakers from different backgrounds giving presentations on mycology or a related subject.  Speakers include nationally known mycologists, outside specialists and knowledgeable members

Info & Identification

Knowledgeable members will be happy to help you identify the mushrooms you have found. Visitors & members are encouraged to bring the mushrooms they find to the meetings.

Throughout the summer our society schedules guided forays to bring members into the wild to search for mushrooms. From June through September, these expert lead outings can be held high in the mountains or in our city parks. Please keep an eye out for scheduled  forays as they are posted throughout the summer.


We thrive on our volunteers. Bring your Enthusiasm! From Submitting Content such as stories, images , recipes and expertise, or leading guided forays, we are always looking for people to get involved in our society!