2019 ANNUAL MUSHROOM FAIR @ Denver Botanic Gardens

Saturday and Sunday, August 10 & 11, 2019 Dear CMS members, The Colorado Mycological Society’s big show of 2019, the Annual Mushroom Fair will be held over two days at the Denver Botanic Garden, Saturday and Sunday, August 10 & 11, 2019. The CMS mission is to educate members and the public to wonderful and fascinating world of Mycology. In the past, in one day, over 2,000 folks have walked through the doors of Mitchell Hall on Sunday amazed and intrigued by the educational displays and hundreds of species brought in by members and others for display. Whether you are a CMS volunteer or simply a curious person wandering into Mitchell Hall, the exhibits and other attractions make the Fair a memorable experience. In order to guarantee this event to be successful for everyone, we need volunteers to help over the two days. On Saturday, August 10, CMS has Mitchell Hall reserved from noon – 5 p.m at the Denver Botanic Gardens. At that time the day will be filled with identifying mushrooms by experts and members. Throughout the day members can drop off specimens for the fair. Let Denver Botanic Gardens volunteers know you are dropping specimens off to Mitchell Hall. Note: Saturday is open to volunteers only, and not open to CMS members nor general public. At the same time, volunteers will start the task of arranging tables, displays, placing mushrooms in proper display areas and much more. On Sunday, August 11, we start our day at 8 am. Doors will open to the public at 11 am. Volunteers will be needed for general help, as well as specific representation at displays such as our Alpine or City mushrooms displays. Helping at the crafts table, making sure our hard working identifiers have water or what they made need to allow them a pleasant working environment. You also get the opportunity to meet and see our Chief Identifier, Dr. Andrew Methven, Vera Evenson and a host of expert Mycologists hard at work actually identifying and documenting for our future hundreds of species of fungi. If you would like to participate in the phenomenal event in any way, please contact one of the following CMS members. Elena Balandina: lena_balandina@hotmail.com Karen Ryan: ka1299@aol.com / 303 355 5966 David Nazeri: nazeri22@gmail.com Let’s make 2019 the best yet! Share this:FacebookX Related

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