”Discovering Psilocybe azurescens” with Paxton Hoag


May 13, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Sturm Auditorium - Denver Botanic Gardens
1085 York St, Denver, CO, 80206

Event Type

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In the mid 1970s Paxton Hoag was living next to 115 acres of bottom land cow pasture in Astoria, Oregon and took up picking Psilocybe semilanceata. In 1975 his family went to the First International Conference on Psilocybin Mushrooms where he met many of the early principals of Psilocybin research. In the fall of 1977 Paxton ran across an unknown Psilocybe mushroom on the shores of Astoria Oregon. The story of getting a name for a mushroom is quite interesting, especially if that mushroom is Psilocybe azurescens. This is that story; plus of course a few side stories.

About the Speaker

Paxon Hoag grew up outside of Astoria Oregon in a small community named Fernhill. His father was in the US Navy, and was transferred to Astoria in 1954 and retired in 1958. Encouraged by his parents, Paxton was fascinated by mushrooms at an early age. He loved exploring all of the mushrooms that grew in his neighborhood; and read everything he could find in the library about fungi. He attended Oregon State University, but is mostly self taught. He dabbled in agar culture and lab work and finally ended up with outdoor cultivation of Psilocybe azurescens.

Meeting Entry Reminder: All entry and exit for after hours plant society meetings will now go through the Freyer – Newman Center main entrance. The Pinon Gate will be closed no matter the location of the meeting.

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