Happy Hunting Tip | July 2018

Happy Hunting Tip  By Karen Ryan  With the approach of the Rockies mushroom season, and CMS forays gearing up, there are some basic tips for new foragers (and perhaps a refresher for those of us who have been around a while and have a need to re-look at foraging supplies and review rules of mushroom etiquette).  Your foray leader and co-leaders are there to assist you with questions. There is no guarantee that mushrooms will be visible. (Fungi have a growing mind of their own.) Be mindful of your foray companions. This is a collective effort. Look out for each other in terrain that could be challenging. Oh, yes, bring a whistle and some form of GPS for navigational purposes. Don’t think you can’t get lost in the forest. If you think that’s impossible, ask some us to tell you stories of friends, family and CMS members who went MIA during a foray. Be prepared before you head to the meeting spot. Keeping others waiting because you were not organized makes for a negative start to the foray. Have the following BASICS ready: o Collecting basket o Reference books o Identification slips o Proper knife o GPS o Whistle o Sunscreen o Bug repellant o Snacks o Proper clothing o WATER A cellphone these days is a given. Consider bringing these EXTRAS:  Camera Walking stick Soil temperature reader o Tree identification guide  No LOPPING off mushroom caps! Be a true citizen mycologist. Proper documenting requires removing the entire mushroom. A little dirt in your basket or car goes along with being a mycologist of every level. Leave a little for others. We live in an area that yields less than other states.  Enjoy your next foray and HAPPY HUNTING!  Share this:FacebookX Related

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