Mushroom Resources — Michael Wood’s web site MykoWeb has a wealth of information on mushrooms. His Links page is a very thorough index of mycology. He also has a comprehensive selection of mushroom-related books that may be ordered online through Another valuable source of information related to mycology and mushroom hunting is Dr. Michael Kuo’s site Here you will find information on tree identification (important when establishing mushroom habitats), photographing mushrooms (particularly digital photography), scanning mushrooms on your home scanner, mushroom identification keys, and much more.

NAMA (North American Mycological Association) — NAMA’s web site includes a complete listing of North American mushroom societies and clubs.NAMA

Mushroom Stuff — Some sources for mushroom-related gear including tee-shirts,caps, posters, collecting bags, mushroom knives, cultivation materials and kits, books, etc. include:

Mushroom Magazines and Journals There are several useful magazines and journals devoted to mushrooms and mushrooms. Below are listed a couple of the more popular. Check out NAMA’s website for their mushrooming journals.

Mushroom Forums — There are a number of forums or discussion groups that focus on mushrooms. You can view the discussion message threads, but to participate in the discussions you will have to register (a simple process). Some of these forums or discussion groups are:

Mushroom Humor

Colorado Mushroom Web Sites