CMS Annual Photo Contest 2018!

CMS ANNUAL PHOTO CONTEST It’s time to be thinking about the 2018 CMS Photo Contest! Email your entries to: You must be a member of CMS to enter the contest. All entries must clearly be related to mycology in some way. There are three categories: Artistic photographs will be judged based on their artistic merit. That means that focus is not critical, and you may manipulate the image as you see fit. Colors need not be realistic. Documentary photographs will be judged based on their accurate depiction of a collection or feature of some mushrooms. Focus is important, and lighting and colors need to accurately reflect the collection. Obvious manipulation of an image is not desirable in the category. Anything Goes photographs have no criteria for judging other than what each judge chooses. You are limited to three entries in each category. Entries must have been emailed by midnight on August 31. The images themselves must be attachments to your email, and you need to indicate which of the three contest categories each photo should be entered into. Remembering that the projector we use is limited to an image size of 1920 x 1080, your image should not be larger than that. If your original image is larger than that, you should create a smaller version that will fit within that size so that your image will look as good as possible. Judging will be the same as last year. That is to say, members attending the September meeting will be judges, based on their ability to get to an Internet survey website using the wireless Internet connection provided by the Denver Botanic Gardens. Smart phones, tablets, and laptop computers are recommended ways of making that connection. If you’d like to be a judge, arrange to have one of those things with you at the September meeting. Even if you have entries in the contest you may vote. Good luck! Share this:FacebookX Related

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